I am a touchy feely person. I wasn’t always. When I was a child and early adolescent religion was more magic than faith to me. I was raised with idea that I was always being watched. Someone was always judging me and if I screwed up and made the least little mistake, I could be condemned. If I stayed on the right path I would be rewarded, but the path was very narrow and dangerous. Somehow I got the idea that if I wore enough medals and scapulars I could bypass this and be guaranteed a quick entrance to heaven. In grade school I would wear three or four scapulars at the same time. Then I would wear medals until they turned green because of cheap metal and my sweaty little adolescent body. I think what reminded me of this was a recent Mass where there was a lot of talk about sacred relics etc.
I recently read a column in the Washington Post about Christians need for physical objects. The author was interviewing the rector of Union Theological Seminary. He believes that Christians have a need for physical objects because God made his son a physical being. We need to be able to touch things. Interesting idea but I am not sure about this.
When I was growing up the idea of sin was ever present. There were venial sins, which were about minor transgressions involved with all of life. Even thinking about doing something wrong was a sin. Then there were mortal sins. These were bad things that could send you right to hell. They were about murder and other crimes, but an awful lot were about sex. I think back about this and think about how it affected me. For a very long time I was not comfortable being touched or hugged. As an adolescent I really didn’t even want my mother to hug me. I know this was normal for any adolescent male. However I just wasn’t comfortable with that level of contact from anyone.
It wasn’t difficult when I was dating or with my wife, but casual hugging with strangers was not OK. I remember hearing one of my early patients talking to another. She was asked if I hugged her at the end of sessions. She said, “No Jim isn’t the hugging type”. I would often be called to consult on the adolescent unit at the hospital re substance abuse. One time they were being taught how to give appropriate hugs to each other. I had a lot of questions about this. Some one told me to read books and articles by Leo Buscaglia. He thought that people needed a number of hugs each day.
I think that another part of the process that helped me thru this was the birth of my sons. Infants and young children need this type of loving contact. As I progressed as a therapist I became more comfortable hugging patients if they asked. Sometimes I would offer a hug to provide additional support. I never did it for my own pleasure. However now I have begun to think about this again. The MeToo made us all aware of the harassment women have been subject too. Joe Biden has recently been criticized for his contact with women in that he was violating their space. I recently saw a guy wearing a tee shirt with “I Don’t Hug” on it and maybe that is the answer. You have to be clear about what level of contact you are comfortable with. Sometimes people really give off clear warnings about their boundaries. Some others don’t and need to be asked what they are comfortable with. I know there is a lot of conflict in the field about this right now. I know a psychiatrist who won’t even shake hands with new patients.
A friend of mine who shared some of my views about hugging patients was fired because of hugging a patient who he had a long relationship with. The patient was very comfortable with this and most sessions ended like that. It was a purely platonic hug, but was now against policy. Sometimes political correctness interferes with what is really correct.
There are so many areas like this now. Relations between men and women have always been confusing. What was OK is now not. Years ago on the old Homicide TV show one of the main characters said “I remember when Co-dependent relationships were the way it was supposed to be!! “. Well no longer.
Perhaps modern technology can help. With my new car I get warning beeps if I begin to swerve from my lane, or if another car is to close. Maybe someone will develop a “Personal Boundary Alert” if you are violating someone’s space. It would be interesting see how people would respond to a loud siren going off when you tried to touch someone.
Right now I continue to question my own life about what is Ok and what isn’t. I don’t know if I would use the word sin anymore except for big things that hurt other people. I still have to try and stay open and clarify my own boundaries. My wife says that she likes to know things. She has an insatiable curiosity about life. I have always said that my goal in life is clarity. I just want to understand. It was a lot easier in my 20s than it is in my 70s. It will probably get harder each year. I hope I can keep trying.