Recently I have been thinking about death. This has been triggered by a number of things. Prince, an artist I liked, died suddenly. Merle Haggard, old country outlaw that he was, died on his birthday. Alan Rickman, a very fine actor, also died suddenly. However what troubled me the most was the sudden death of an ex patient. She was just 40 y/o and died of a pulmonary embolism. She had been on a disability for years that really affected her life, but she was trying to be happy. She had a loving family who really enjoyed her. Sudden death is always totally unexpected. .
I think we all believe we will live forever. Death seems like it happens to other people, but not to someone like me. In my culture death was always present. I still tell people that before I was 12, I had probably been to more wakes than anyone I knew. The Irish Catholics have rituals about death. There is the wake full of friends, relatives, and comforting words. In the old days, wakes were at least three days. I still have vague memories of my grandfather’s wake. My cousin and I were only five years old, and we were allowed to run around the funeral home for all three days. Wakes were gradually reduced. My own father and mother’s were two days. It is now only one day. The day of the funeral starts from the funeral home with a procession to the Church. There is the funeral mass and then the long procession to the cemetery. Now there are internment chapels. In the old days we would stand around an open grave as the priest said the final prayers. Now we all enter these beautiful buildings and say our final good byes. After that there is the funeral lunch. The lunch is now usually held in restaurants and includes family style food and drinks. After the lunch a select few are invited back to the family home for continued talk, drink, and more food.
This is the way my family has dealt with death in my lifetime. I know no matter what I do, this will happen to me. Recently I received a brochure from the Cremation Society of America. They were looking for business. They even offered a free cremation with a tasteful container if you joined as a family. Funeral homes now aggressively advertise and recommend pre-planning your funeral. I once jokingly told my wife that I wanted a funeral like in the movie “The Big Chill” with speakers blaring “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. I don’t think she is in favor of that. I said that quite a few years ago but now death is certainly more present.
I think what bothers me now is the reality of how fragile life really is. This is not a forever thing. It can end at any time. I still remember my mother never getting over my father’s death. I still see my grandmother praying two rosaries every day for my grandfather.
I have had quite a few patients threaten suicide and an unfortunate few who succeeded. I always tried to get the ones who were thinking about it to contract with me not to. I saw the family members of suicides totally crushed. They always thought if they could have just done one more thing, said one more thing, their loved one wouldn’t have died. I wanted my patients to hear about this . I always told them that their lives didn’t just belong to them , but also to those who loved them. The effects of a suicide can last generations. I remember treating a man in his sixties still trying to understand his own grandfather’s suicide. I had patients try suicide because a relative had and suicide became an answer to a difficult situation.
I know that for some people life seems unbearable, but death is forever and cant be taken back. As hard as it is think of those who love you. They wont get over it. Don’t kid yourself.
Now as I am in my seventh decade, my own denial system is still at work. Some days I still think the future is endless. Then there are those days when reality hits. Thankfully my health is still pretty good. I have a supportive wife and family. I still enjoy life and look forward to tomorrow. I keep reminding myself about the importance of focusing on the now. The sudden death of friends and people I know ,or am familiar with, keeps interrupting that.
I know I still have a lot of work to do on this for myself. Maybe the answer is to keep trying to live well so that no matter what I can have some positive memories no matter what or when.