I hate idiot lights in cars. Whenever one goes on there is always a momentary panic, “O My God What Should I Do ?” So I guess I will have to change the oil “soon”, whatever “soon” means. Life is full of these external warnings from weather alerts to lab tests that all seem to have dire consequences if they are not obeyed. This all started me thinking about God.
I was raised in a very traditional Catholic family. We started on the south side of Chicago, moved to the near north side and ended up in the suburbs. My family would go to Church weekly and we all attended Catholic Schools. Up until 5th grade the school I attended had a traveling statue of the Madonna. It was a very big deal when it came to your house. The whole neighborhood would gather in your living room to say the rosary and if you were really lucky the pastor might come by to lead it. At that time we were all taught by nuns. I still remember how frightening they could be—even the really nice ones. These women taught generations of children and were never really rewarded as much as the priests were. Many of the older nuns now are in state run nursing homes and are on public aid.
The foundation of my spirituality came from them and from the priests who would come in weekly to go over “The Baltimore Catechism”. This was a book we literally had to memorize. I still remember the first question : “Who made you ? God Made Us to Love and Serve Him in This World and the Next”. I think as years went on the spirituality that developed was somewhat primitive and magical. If you wanted something you prayed for it and if you were good you might get it. This lasted into my late teens and early twenties.
In my mid twenties I had a change of heart. Church just wasn’t important to me anymore. I thought many of their teachings were wrong and just couldn’t get into it any more. After our oldest son was born I would occasionally feel some guilt and try to attend Mass on a regular basis again, but that never lasted. At my wife’s urging I took my oldest son to mass when he was four. I still remember him asking “Who is that guy in the green superman costume?” about the priest. We tried to have him attend Catholic school but that only lasted thru kindergarten. They thought he was learning disabled and weren’t able to provide services. Sometimes I think he should contact them now to compliment them on their excellent diagnostic skills as he is completing his second Masters Degree. This only served to increase my anger at the whole Church.
I think the final straw for me came when I tried one more time. The pastor of the Church in town was an alcoholic and his behavior was getting more and more out of control. He was finally removed and the bishop came to our Church to explain Alcoholism at every mass. I tried to talk to him afterward to recommend a good treatment center , “Guest House” in St.Louis, that specialized in working with alcoholic priests. He really didn’t want to hear that and that was the end of Church for me for about 10-12 years. I would get very angry thinking about all the abuses, and cruelty I could discover about the Church . If someone brought up any type of organized religion I would always have something negative to say.
One day at lunch we started talking again about the Church and all the riches it supposedly had. I began to go off again. One of the other hospital counselors began to talk to me. His name was Jack and someday I will write more about this man who taught me more about therapy and addiction than all the graduate courses I ever had. He said, “Jim It’s lunch time now. Do you think the Pope is sitting there over his ham sandwich bitching about Jim LeFager ?” He stopped me cold and made me begin to think again. A few years later we began to go to mass again.
The pastor of the Church then was a very dramatic soul who was good at raising money. When he left, the new pastor that came in was a very laid back nice guy. As time went on I again got involved in the Church as a lector and Eucharistic minister. My spirituality had changed in that it wasn’t so much magic I was looking for as much as it was searching for serenity and peace. I would still have trouble with sermons and would usually begin to fall asleep (until my wife elbowed and pinched me). I think that was because I spent all day listening to people and just couldn’t tune in to someone talking to a large group. As time went on the pastors changed again and this time we changed parishes. I’m still looking for serenity and peace and the structure of the Church seems to help me with that. I still cant buy into everything, but I take what I can and for right now that is good enough.